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It looks like spring has finally come to DC. Because of that, Zara and I were able to spend a lot of time outside this weekend. She’s also not sick anymore.

This weekend Zara attended her first bachelorette party! One of my friends from college is getting married in June so we celebrated this weekend with several events. Yesterday afternoon, I brought Zara to the National Mall, where we hung out with about fifteen girl friends, had a picnic, played some paddle ball, and enjoyed the weather. Zara hasn’t been in DC very many times yet and she definitely isn’t around that many people usually. Downtown DC was PACKED because the Cherry Blossom Festival is going on. Luckily we found a nice spot on the grass that wasn’t too crowded. We had fun, but I should have brought a longer leash and some sort of ball or toy for Zara. As soon as two of my friends started playing paddle ball (basically like ping pong without the table and a larger ball), Zara freaked out and would not turn her focus away from the ball. She’s become quite ball-obsessed lately, which is probably the result of me constantly throwing tennis balls for her at the dog park (gotta get maximum amount of exercise in!). Anyway, we ended up playing a game of monkey in the middle, where two people would bat the ball back and forth and Zara would jump from side to side and try out catch it. It was more fun for her than it was for me lol.

Zara watching the game.

Zara watching the game.

We also encountered another vizsla, who was about a year old. He lives in Baltimore with his owners but they said they may try to come to the Conestoga Vizsla Club’s Fun Day in June. Zara and Reggie, the other vizsla, took to each other right away and started wrestling and playing. It was very cute.

After a few hours, we headed home. Zara did not get to attend the evening bachelorette festivities, but she did enjoy the daytime part. :)

Today, we went to another friend’s house for a play date with their 3 year old black lab mix named Bailey. They also have a cat named Peter and this was the first time Zara had met a cat up close. She had the usual wiggle butt greeting going on, but the cat was not as enthusiastic. He took a swipe at Zara with his paw and after that, she was afraid of him. Later on, she became a little more courageous and started stalking him since he was stalking her as well.

Zara and Bailey played well together although they also spent a lot of time lounging around and enjoying the sun. Now Zara is super tired from the weekend, which makes me quite happy.

Zara meets a cat

Zara meets a cat

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