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Today Chris and I took Zara to visit her sister Lily (originally teal girl)! Lily’s owners live about a half hour from us and they haven’t seen each other since they went home from the breeder’s (5.5 weeks ago) so we figured it was time for a playdate! Lily’s parents Brooke and Phil have a big, fenced yard, so Zara and Lily had lots of space to run around.

We weren’t sure how they’d react when they saw each other at first. I’ve heard that littermates always recognize each other but it’s hard to tell if they actually did. As you can see in the video below, Zara (blue collar) looked very excited to meet Lily (purple collar) but Lily was a little more cautious at first. However, it wasn’t long before they were running around like crazy puppies.

It was nice to exchange stories with Brooke and Phil since they’ve basically gone through a very similar experience as we’ve had. One of the most annoying issues with Zara thus far has been the fact that she loves to eat her poop. We’ve tried disciplining her and spraying the poop with Bitter Apple spray but she still will eat it if she has the chance. Lily has been doing the same thing, too, so at least we know our puppy isn’t the only one with this behavior. My latest idea is to shake a can of pennies or something loud when she is about to eat it, in the hope that it will frighten her away from the poop. I know it’s common for dogs to do this, but hopefully they will outgrow it soon…

Zara has played with a lot of other puppies at Puppy Party and training classes but this was the first time I felt like I didn’t have to super vigilant about watching her and worrying that she might get hurt or hurt another dog. Zara and Lily were pretty much perfectly matched in size and temperament. We did take a couple of timeouts when they started to get extra snarly, but overall, they did great together. It was also so cute to see them together since they look so much alike! After two hours of running, wrestling, eating sticks, and digging holes, Zara is now zonked out on the couch. It’s 7pm, and she’s usually wild between about 6 and 9pm, so this is great. :) Enjoy the photos and videos.



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Tired vizsla puppy = success. :)

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